60 days. Walking. No Money — 5 ways this experience changed my perspective on life.

Suzana Barbosa
16 min readMay 13, 2018
Photo credit: Mike Potter

I’ve taken a long time to write this story. I’ve been trying to figure out ways to communicate everything I’ve learned and how I could share the experience with you. But SO much has changed since then. I went from living in Canada to residing in Denmark, going back to school after a decade, and from being a singer, which has always been my dream, to losing everything and starting over.

For 15 years, I was a singer, performer and composer with two of my best friends. We had many amazing successes; traveling to beautiful places around the world, performing our own music, being featured with Ella Fitzgerald, Diana Krall, Michael Buble and being signed with Universal records. But there were many more challenges that became too much to bear. At the time, music streaming became too heavy to handle, taking away our main source of income and being in our 30’s, we found ourselves craving relief from the everyday struggles.

When our musical group, the family I knew so well and loved, ended..I needed a reason. I was depressed, heartbroken and quite frankly, not interested in life. Since I was 5 years old, I knew I wanted to be a singer and coping with that ending was very difficult.

While walking around moping, surfing the internet, I clicked on a video trailer…



Suzana Barbosa

Sharing empowering stories about conscious choices and transitioning